Current Date: 09 Jul, 2024

SV Biotech Advances: ₹60 Crore Project Enhances Spirit Production in Karnataka

The Rectified Spirit Plant Project in Bidar, Karnataka, by SV Biotech Pvt. Ltd. is expected to revolutionize the spirits business with an estimated cost of ₹60 Crores. This project in Bidar, Karnataka, is projected to benefit the state and region. 

The plant would produce 40,000 Kilo liters of rectified spirit per day, making Karnataka a major player in the market. With pharmaceutical, beverage, and chemical applications, this improved manufacturing capacity will suit different industry needs.

A stable and sufficient supply of rectified spirit as a raw ingredient could boost downstream companies. This can boost ancillary sectors, diversifying and growing the economy. 

The project is intended to provide construction and operating jobs in addition to economic benefits. The project's job generation highlights its role in socio-economic development and livelihood improvement in Bidar. 

SV Biotech Pvt. Ltd.'s Rectified Spirit Plant Project is crucial to Bidar, Karnataka's industrial and economic growth. By using innovative technology and encouraging collaboration, the project will change the region's economic landscape and help Karnataka become an industrial hub.

News by Rahul Yelligetti

Source : Projxnews