Current Date: 14 Mar, 2025

North Central Railways Invite Bids for Solar in Uttar Pradesh

The Prayagraj Division of North Central Railways has issued a call for proposals to establish a list of eligible agencies for the implementation of grid-connected rooftop solar projects with a total capacity of 5.525 MW. These projects would be installed at various yards and workshops under a public-private partnership arrangement, following a design, build, finance, operate, and transfer model. The projects will be implemented in two capacity ranges: one ranging from above 10 kW to 100 kW, and the other ranging from above 100 kW to 500 kW.

Potential bidders have the option to submit quotes for either one or both capacities. The initiation of the projects must occur within a maximum period of 240 days subsequent to the reception of the work order. In addition, it is important for the developers to furnish all-encompassing operation and maintenance services for a duration of 25 years.

The deadline for bid submission is November 21, 2023. The bids will be unveiled on the identical day. Bidders are required to provide an earnest money deposit of ₹1.07 million (~$12,851) per megawatt of the capacity stated in their quotation. The chosen bidders are required to provide a performance security of to ₹1.6 million (~$19,217) per MW during a period of 30 days subsequent to the execution of the power purchase agreement (PPA).

The duration of the empanelment will be one year, and there is a potential for a one-year extension contingent upon the developer's performance and requests from zonal railways. The solar power generated will be exclusively utilized by the Indian Railways via the net metering scheme.

The projects are scheduled for development at the divisions/workshops situated at Agra (856 kW), Jhansi (3422 kW), CLMR (300 kW), RCNK (800 kW), and Prayagraj (138 kW). In order to participate in the bidding process, it is required that bidders possess prior expertise in the installation of grid-connected solar rooftop systems with a minimum aggregate capacity of 200 kW. This experience should be demonstrated through past involvement as a developer or as part of an engineering procurement and construction (EPC) business. Individuals that possess prior expertise in the installation and commissioning of grid-connected systems with a minimum cumulative capacity of 1 MW, regardless of the sector (e.g., residential, social, industrial, commercial, government), are eligible to participate in the bidding process as developers or EPC contractors.

It is imperative that their average annual turnover over the past three years amounted to ₹15 million (equivalent to around $180,160). Furthermore, it is necessary that they have maintained a favourable net worth throughout the preceding three fiscal years.

Upon obtaining the letter of award, the bidder who emerges as the successful candidate is obligated to engage in a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Railways. Additionally, if mandated by the public utilities or Zonal Railways, the PPA may also necessitate divisional-level signing.

The projects formulated within the scope of the tender will not incorporate any form of financial aid from central sources. The utilization of domestically produced modules included on the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers, as provided by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, has been made compulsory by the railway authorities.

In the month of July, North Central Railways issued a call for proposals to select agencies for the purpose of establishing grid-connected rooftop solar power projects with a total capacity of 5.525 MW, on a state-wise basis.

News by Rahul Yelligetti

Source : Projxnews