Current Date: 14 Mar, 2025

SJVN invites tender wind solar projects in india

SJVN, a joint venture between the Government of India and the Government of Himachal Pradesh, has invited proposals for 1,500 MW Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS)-connected solar power projects in India. The deadline for bids is December 15, 2023.

On December 20, bids will be opened. Bidders must deposit a bid processing fee of 1.5 million ($18,023) for each project. They must also submit a $1.16 million ($13,938) earnest money deposit. Selected bidders must provide a performance bank guarantee of 2.9 million ($34,845)/MW.

They must additionally pay a success fee of $100,000 (US$1,201) per MW. As part of the payment security mechanism (PSM), selected developers must agree to pay PSM charges of 0.02 (0.00024)/kWh to SJVN in exchange for a proportionate decrease in SJVN's monthly tariff payment. Bidders must propose a project capacity ranging from 50 MW to 750 MW.

The minimum capacity for projects in northeastern states and special category regions, however, can be 30 MW. The renewable project developer is solely responsible for securing the requisite land for the project.

Bidders from countries bordering India are only eligible to participate in this tender provided they are registered with the relevant government. Only commercially established and operating technology should be used for these projects to reduce technological risk and assure timely commissioning. Bidders must have a net worth of at least $11.6 million ($139,378)/MW during the fiscal year before the bid submission.

A minimum yearly turnover of $17.4 million ($209,067) per MW is required during the previous fiscal year. During the preceding fiscal year, the bidders' internal resource generating capabilities, as measured by profit before depreciation, interest, taxes, and amortization, should have been at least $3.48 million ($41,813)/MW.

Bidders must have an in-principle sanction letter from a financing institution committing a line of credit for at least $7.25 million ($87,123)/MW to meet the project's working capital requirements.

SJVN has enforced the adoption of solar modules from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy's Approved List of Models and Manufacturers. SJVN solicited bids from developers in September to put up 1,500 MW ISTS-connected wind-solar hybrid generation facilities in India.

News by Rahul Yelligetti

Source : Projxnews