Current Date: 22 Dec, 2024

KBK Biotech Plans Distillery in AndhraPradesh

The Distillery Unit Project is going to be constructed by KBK Biotech Private Limited at the Peddapuram Village located in the East Godavari District in the state of Andhra Pradesh. 

It is estimated that the project will have a total cost of 24 crores and will generate 39 KLPD of ethanol.

KBK Biotech Private Limited is putting a large amount of money into this venture, which is evidence of their dedication to expanding their operations inside the Indian market. The increased demand for ethanol across the country will be partially met by the addition of the new distillery.

The phase of the project known as "construction being started" is currently underway. 

News by Rahul Yelligetti

Source : Projxnews