Current Date: 09 Jul, 2024

Zuriel Pharma plans to set up Drugs & Intermediates Manufacturing Unit Gujarat

Zuriel Pharma intends to establish a new bulk drug intermediates manufacturing facility in Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Gujarat. Although the project is still in its early phases, it is expected to represent a significant investment in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The project's budget is 5 crores. The bulk drug intermediates project is planned to yield a wide range of intermediates utilized in the manufacture of finished pharmaceutical products. 

The products will be offered both domestically and internationally. The initiative is projected to benefit the local community as well as the Indian economy as a whole. It will generate hundreds of direct and indirect work opportunities. It will also help the local economy by increasing demand for raw materials and services. The project will also help India become more self-sufficient in the production of bulk medicinal intermediates. India now imports a substantial volume of bulk medicinal intermediates from China. The new facility will help India lessen its reliance on imports. Overall, the new bulk drug intermediates project is a good thing for Zuriel Pharma, the local economy, and India. Here are some of the potential benefits of the new bulk drug intermediates project for the local community and the Indian economy: Job creation: The project is expected to create hundreds of direct jobs and indirect jobs. 

This will provide a much-needed boost to the local economy. Income generation: The project will generate income for the local community through wages and taxes. This will help to improve the quality of life for residents. Economic development: The project is expected to attract other businesses to the area and boost the local economy. This will create more jobs and opportunities for residents. Promoting the pharmaceutical industry: The project will help to promote the growth of the pharmaceutical industry in India. This will create more jobs and opportunities for residents in the country. Reducing dependence on imports: The project will help India to become more self-reliant in the production of bulk drug intermediates. This will reduce India's dependence on imports and save foreign exchange. Overall, the new bulk drug intermediates project has the potential to be a significant economic development for the Ankleshwar region and the Indian economy as a whole. It is expected to create jobs, generate income, boost the economy, promote the pharmaceutical industry, and reduce dependence on imports.

As of September 2023, The project is now in the stage of receiving approvals & has obtained all necessary government permissions work of the project is anticipated to occur in either 2023 or 2024.

News by Rahul Yeligetti


Source : Projxnews