Current Date: 09 Jul, 2024

TNCPL Heats Up: IPO Plans Fueled by ₹23 Crore Order Win

Tamilnadu Coke & Power Ltd (TNCPL) is gearing up for its upcoming initial public offering (IPO) and has recently announced securing orders totaling ₹23 crore for the supply of low ash metallurgical coke. These orders are set to be delivered to Mukand Ltd, a specialty steel manufacturer, and SLR Metaliks Ltd, a metals manufacturer based in Karnataka.

Earlier this week, TNCPL successfully fulfilled an order for low ash metallurgical (LAM) coke to Mukand Ltd and is on track to deliver a similar consignment to SLR Metaliks Ltd shortly.

Ayaan Ahuja, the Chairman & Managing Director of TNCPL, emphasized the company's commitment to product quality and customer satisfaction. "These new orders underscore the trust our customers place in our high-quality LAM Coke and our dedication to meeting their needs. As we move towards our IPO, we are focused on expanding our LAM Coke business into new regions across the country," Ahuja remarked.

TNCPL, poised for listing soon, is involved in various activities including the manufacturing of LAM coke through the conversion and sale of coking coal, power generation via waste heat recovery, and electricity distribution.


News by Rahul Yelligetti

Source : projxnews