Current Date: 06 Oct, 2024

Navrang Tea Center planning to set up Tea Processing Unit in Maharashtra

Navrang Tea Centre intends to establish a new tea processing facility in Jalgaon, Maharashtra. The total cost of the project is 24 crores. Here are some things to think about: Jalgaon is an ideal location for a tea processing facility because it is one of Maharashtra's main tea growers. This means that raw resources will be readily available to the company. The size of the tea processing project will be determined by the needs of the Navrang Tea Centre. When deciding the size of the facility, the corporation should consider the following factors: 

The volume of tea that will be processed The type of tea that will be processed The need for future expansion Amenities: The tea processing project should have all of the necessary amenities to support the operations of Navrang Tea Center. These amenities may include: Raw material storage facilities Processing facilities Warehousing facilities Office space Parking for employees and visitors Technology: Navrang Tea Center should consider implementing the latest tea processing technology in the new facility. This technology can help to improve efficiency and accuracy. Some of the technologies that the company may want to consider include: Automated processing lines Quality control systems Waste management systems Sustainability: Navrang Tea Center should consider building a sustainable tea processing project. 

This can be done by using sustainable building materials and technologies, such as solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems. Community engagement: Navrang Tea Center should engage with the local community during the planning and construction of the new tea processing project. This can help to build support for the project and to ensure that it meets the needs of the community. Once Navrang Tea Center has considered all of these factors, the company can start to develop a business plan for the new tea processing project. 

This plan should include the following: A description of the project A market analysis A financial analysis A timeline for completion Navrang Tea Center should also obtain the necessary permits and approvals from the government before starting construction on the new tea processing project. In addition to the above, Navrang Tea Center should also consider the following: Environmental impact assessment: The company should conduct an environmental impact assessment to determine the potential impact of the new project on the environment. 

The assessment should identify any potential negative impacts and recommend measures to mitigate them. Social impact assessment: The company should also conduct a social impact assessment to determine the potential impact of the new project on the local community. The assessment should identify any potential negative impacts and recommend measures to mitigate them. Risk assessment: The company should also conduct a risk assessment to identify and assess the risks associated with the new project. The assessment should develop mitigation strategies for each risk.

As of September 2023, The project is now in the stage of receiving approvals & has obtained all necessary government permissions work of the project is anticipated to occur in either 2023 or 2024.

News by Rahul Yeligetti

Source : Projxnews