Current Date: 06 Mar, 2025

Tata Steel and SER Forge Sustainable Rail Infrastructure

Tata Steel and South Eastern Railway (SER) have embarked on a collaborative endeavor to bolster sustainable rail infrastructure by leveraging slag-based aggregates. A recent meeting between SER officials and Tata Steel representatives shed light on the roadmap outlined by the Ministry of Railways for project implementation.

In this initiative, Tata Aggreto, a greener alternative to natural aggregates employed in road construction, and Tata Nirman, integral in the production of fly ash bricks and cement, will be instrumental in constructing blanket layers for railway tracks. Tata Steel has established an advanced weathering facility to process LD slag via steam ageing, underscoring its commitment to embracing sustainable alternatives and environmental conservation.

The utilization of slag-based manufactured aggregates not only fosters biodiversity preservation by curbing the necessity for natural aggregate mining but also eliminates the need for extensive aggregate transportation over vast distances.


News by Rahul Yelligetti

Source : projxnews