Current Date: 09 Jul, 2024

WABAG & PEAK's 100 Bio-CNG Plants for a Sustainable Tomorrow

VA Tech WABAG Ltd (WABAG), a prominent player in water technology, has forged a strategic partnership with Peak Sustainability Ventures (PEAK) to establish 100 bio-CNG plants utilizing methane derived from sewage treatment facilities. This initiative aims to tackle environmental issues associated with untreated sewage emissions while contributing to sustainable energy solutions.

Following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), WABAG's shares witnessed a notable 5.22 percent surge. The collaborative effort between VA Tech WABAG and Sustainability Ventures focuses on setting up bio-CNG plants at sewage treatment facilities in India and selected international locations, including the GCC, Africa, and Europe.

The envisioned bio-CNG gas plants will tap into the untapped potential of sewage treatment plants, converting methane into bio-CNG for various applications, such as fuel for trucks, heavy-duty vehicles, and industrial processes. This initiative aligns with the goal of reducing reliance on fossil fuels and promoting environmentally friendly energy alternatives.

The estimated business potential for establishing 100 bio-CNG plants surpasses $200 million, with the collaboration projecting an annual production of over 73 million kgs of bio-CNG. Beyond economic benefits, this endeavor is anticipated to stimulate local economies, create employment opportunities, and contribute to ecological conservation.

Shailesh Kumar, CEO-India Cluster at WABAG, emphasized the company's dedication to green energy, stating, “With this collaboration, we are taking the next step in our green energy segment to produce cleaner and greener fuel and to support the country’s vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat.”

The production of bio-CNG from sewage treatment plants is hailed as an innovative and environmentally conscious approach, transforming waste into a valuable energy asset. Samir Shah, Managing Partner of Peak Sustainability Ventures, highlighted the venture's focus on bringing institutional capital to support the initiative and explore innovative technologies to enhance project outcomes.

WABAG will serve as the technology partner, overseeing the execution, commissioning, and operation and maintenance (O&M) of the bio-CNG plants. PEAK will contribute expertise in energy-related areas and assist in securing capital for large-scale project financing.

With a proven track record of implementing approximately 40 large biogas generation facilities globally, WABAG is positioned to play a pivotal role in advancing sustainable energy solutions. PEAK, managing an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF), brings extensive experience across new energy, food systems, water, and other climate-related sectors to drive the success of the collaborative initiative.


News by Rahul Yelligetti

Source : projxnews