Current Date: 29 Mar, 2025

OREDA Issues Tender for Supply of Solar Cold Storage Units in Odisha

In a significant step towards promoting renewable energy and agricultural infrastructure, the Odisha Renewable Energy Development Agency (OREDA) has issued an empanelment tender to commission 38 ten metric-ton solar cold storage units across the state. These units will play a crucial role in preserving agricultural produce, minimizing post-harvest losses, and enhancing farmers' incomes.

The selected bidders will be responsible for not only supplying and installing the solar cold storage units but also providing comprehensive maintenance for five years. This ensures the long-term sustainability and efficiency of these units, maximizing their benefits for the farming community.

To ensure the quality and performance of these solar cold storage units, OREDA has set stringent eligibility criteria for bidders. Bidders must possess cumulative experience in supplying and installing at least ten solar cold storage systems in the past five years and maintain an average annual turnover of ₹50 million from solar cold storage business alone. Additionally, they must demonstrate a positive net worth in the last financial year.

The deadline for submitting bids is December 20, 2023, with bids to be opened on December 22. Bidders must submit a bid security of ₹2.4 million (~$28,798) and provide a performance guarantee of 10% of the total project cost upon selection. This ensures a commitment to project completion and adherence to quality standards.

News by Rahul Yelligetti

Source : Projxnews