Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation (KPTCL) has invited bids to enhance Bengaluru City's 220 kV transmission network by strengthening its inner ring.
The project, valued at ₹249.04 crore, is set for completion within 24 months. It involves the laying of underground (UG) cables, associated civil works, testing, and commissioning on a total turnkey basis.
The scope includes:
Laying a 220 kV, 1200 sq. mm UG cable from the 400/220 kV Hoody substation to the 220/66 kV EDC substation over a 13.93 km route.
Laying a 220 kV, 1200 sq. mm UG cable from the 220/66 kV Koramangala substation to the 220/66 kV EDC substation for 4.683 km.
The deadline for bid submission is April 14, 2025.
News by Rahul Yelligetti.